Synonyme: Wasserkraftanlage
Bundesland: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Fördersumme: 200.000 - 500.000 EUR
Zeitraum: ab 2020, 2010-2019
Zuwendungsgeber: BMWi

With EnArgus, the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action provides an Internet portal that provides information on current and completed research projects related to energy research.

Anzahl Projekte

7,365 projects

funded in the 7th Energy Research Programme in 2022

1 Milliarde Gesamtsumme

1,486 million €

Total funding in the 7th Energy Research Programme in 2022

Fördermittelvergleich 2014


rise in funding compared to 2014


390 million €

funding from companies towards newly approved research and development projects in 2022